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Mariann Sæther Interview

Mariann Sæther portrait

Welcome to the world of Mariann Sæther, one of the top female extreme kayakers – and certainly the one with the sweetest smile...

An interview by the makers of 'Perfect Moment - The Contact'.

The ancient Chinese believed that water was the daughter of the sky and the earth. For kayakers it represents both danger and safety - strong currents can drag your kayak out of control and send you hurtling down the next waterfall, you risk being trapped against a rock and crushed by the pressure of 3 cubic meters (3000kg) of water per second.

Uprooted trees stuck between huge rocks testify the water’s force and the thin shell of a kayak seems to be a fragile shield against such a powerful opponent. With your eyes barely half a meter above the water it’s tough to navigate through the maze of currents and rapids. They say water is transparent, but nothing conceals danger better. What’s ahead? You just don’t know. Only if you manage to be at one with the energy - by controlling and harnessing the power, by reacting in milliseconds - will the river guide you and afford you the means to follow its raw, savage force. It'll pit you against merciless obstacles, down roaring rapids, through the world of eddies and foams, into silent waters. Once you understand the universal language of the currents you'll find the whitewater paradise of kayaking.

Welcome to the world of Mariann Sæther, one of the top female extreme kayakers – and certainly the one with the sweetest smile...

Mariann Sæther scouting

Short Facts

Date of birth: September 25th 1980

Recent achievements

  • Results
    • 3rd - 2004 Kernville Whitewater festival rodeo, California
    • 1st - 2004 Sweet Boatercross Sjoa festival, Norway
    • 1st - Downriver Extreme Race, 2002 Voss Extrem Sport Week
  • Participated in following videos
    • "Valhalla" 2002 (TGR)
    • "Werhyakin" 2003 (TGR)
    • "Norgasmo", 2002
    • "Jehovas Wetness", 2002

Sponsors: Dagger. Werner, SystemX, Kavu, Immersion Research, Vertikal Hemsedal. (Lowe Alpine)

Nuit de la Glisse

Mariann Sæther whitewater kayak
Photo Copyright Dan Armstrong

In which way you knew Nuit de la Glisse before you worked with Thierry?
I had never heard of them before, since I have been pretty much only in the kayaking scene for the last 5 years.

Is there any difference in working with NDG compared to other productions?
Yes, they take a longer time filming the drops...But they claim their footage will be better than any others, so then I guess it is worth it!

What was the most scary moment for you during the shooting?
No scary moments, but there there is one rapid on one of the rivers we did which is a little bit tricky. I kind of didn't get the perfect line, but managed to pull it of anyway.

What does the title "The Perfect Moment" mean for you personally?
I aim to have as many perfect moments as possible before I die, and that is why I keep paddling, hanging out with my friends, and travel the world.

Will we see you next year on the screen again?
It seems like I do some filming every year, so I would say yes...


Mariann Sæther freestyle kayak

When and why did you start your sport?
My boyfriend at the time got me into the sport, and I found something which was challenging and totally different than anything I had done before. The people I met while kayaking also encouraged me to keep going, and they still do.

What makes your discipline special for you?
I get to see amazing places with amazing people. I get to challenge myself whenever I feel like it, and I have learned a lot about personal limits than I thought was possible!

Which meaning do competitions have for you?
Extreme races are good fun, especially when we have a boatercross, where a few people start at the same time, and you have to get down the drops first. I do not like competitions with shitty spots, such as some rodeo competitions. It needs to be big!

What did you learn from your sport in general?
On the river you always have to take care of each other, and you have to know your own limit. That is a hard one...

What did you learn about yourself?
That I am stubborn and determined and love waterfalls...

Turning Points in your career

  1. When I managed to roll in moving water.
  2. When I learned to do my first blunt, which is a trick you do on a wave.
  3. When I ran my first waterfall. There was no way back.

Best memory
Too many to mention one. My life has been rich.

Worst memory
Missing a line by five centimeters, landing in solid mountain, almost breaking my neck, ankles and back. There were 2 film cameras there, and 2 still photo cameras...

Do you take risks?
Only calculated ones.

What makes you happy?
My boyfriend, a nice river, sunshine, a good book, friends all around, or just enjoying a cup of coffee, totally alone early in the morning....

What scares you?
That I might have to start studying soon...

Which is your favorite spot for your sport? Why?
Norway. We have the best whitewater in the world, and the best food....

Other sports you do?
I used to dance jazz ballet and swim. Now I climb and hike in the mountains.

How do you finance your sport?
Working as a raft guide in the summers, and living cheap in the winters...

What injuries did you have in your sport?
A couple of black eyes...

What if... would not have become a pro in your discipline - what would you have done instead?
Become a journalist for a big magazine, so I could have kept traveling. would live in a different time?
Around year 1000. Only if I was born rich... could be a different person - who?
I don't want to be anyone else. I live the perfect life. could change something in your past, what?
Can not think of one single thing. Not sure if that is a bad thing, or a good one! could be a animal?
Monkey. I am very bad at climbing trees, so that would have been fun...


Poisonwood bible.

anything but opera.

Action films, and thrillers.

I love literature...

My mum for keeping it all together.

Future Plans

Mariann Sæther, Private

For the near future
One month in Uganda, to surf big waves on the white nile, then I will be living in Hemsedal, skiing this winter.

After finishing your active career?
Become a teacher.

What is your dream?
To fulfill all my dreams...

Message to the World

Your relation to nature/ to the mountains?
I love them, and hike in them as often as I can.

Advice for young people?
Never give up, and hold on to that dream!

Your motto in life?
If you carry a little bit of sand every day to the same spot, you will eventually create a mountain.

More info

Mariann Saether's Blog
Mariann Saether's Photo Galleries
Independent Playak Review of 'Perfect Moment - The Contact'
Playak Interview with Mariann, 2003

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