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Gloucester, River Severn, Severn Bore

Tidal river wave: UK, England, Gloucester, River Severn, Severn Bore

What's it like

Bores, (or tidal waves), occur on only a few rivers world wide. They happen twice a day as the incoming tide forces a wave upstream. The Severn Bore is the most famous of these strange phenomena. Indeed, it is the longest ridden wave ever (on a surfboard). The Environment Agency (UK) publishes a forecast for the year. Each Bore is given a rating from 1 to 5, with 5* normally only during spring tides. Dates and times are also given. Be careful however, as this information is provided for tourists, not boaters.
Many factors affect the height of the Bore, including discharge ( cumec flow ), wind direction and the height of the tide. 5* Bores can be in excess of 2 metres in height, though the are often the hardest to catch, travelling at speeds approaching 16 km per hour. With this in mind, it may be worth considering a longer boat ( one of the older, larger playboat designs ), as the extra straight line speed may be useful.
Many different start points are possible, though popular seal launches are at Newnham ( GR120694 ) and the Severn Bore Public House ( GR755153 ). The Bore also adds play potential to Maismore Weir ( GR818217 ) and the Severn Bridge Overfall ( GR55908 ).

Safety Warning

The Severn Bore is an extremely strong wave. It is not uncommon to see floating debris picked up from the surrounding countryside. Refrigerators seem to be a particular favourite, as do propane canisters. Sand banks and overhanging trees cause obvious problems and first time rolling is essential as the wave creates very strong currents.
Forget 'surf laws', the wave has no shoulder so always be aware of other kayakers and surfboarders. Also, in recent years more powerboats are on the water, charging through the wave in an attempt to pick up boarders who have fallen off. Their sitting position often makes it hard to see kayaks so make sure they see you.

How to get there

Any number of routes ae possible as the river follows the M5. For Newnham Weir take the A48 out of Gloucester and for Maisemore take the A417, also out of Gloucester. When considering a parking place, remember that following the Bore there is an increase in the water level.

More info

Severn Trent Water The Environment Agency O.S. Map no. 162 (UK)


Other Kayakers, Surfers, Powerboats and tourists.

Info source

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