"Screw it, let's do it." - Richard Branson
Today was another one of my most favorite interviews and conversations with a great friend of mine, 4x world champion and serial entrepreneur, Sam Sutton. Sam shared his entrepreneurial beginnings and big dreams, as well as how kayaking side tracked him from those dreams as he became addicted to the sport. He also explains the inevitable combination of his entrepreneurialism and his paddling with multiple businesses like Rotorua Rafting and Waka Kayaks and how his determination that brought him 4x World Champion titles is the same drives him to succeed in business.
App Champ Mobile Gaming World Championships
Rotorua Rafting
Podcast reference - Rafa Ortiz Interview
Podcast reference - Tao Berman Interview
Podcast reference - Your First Million
Book- The 4 Hour Work Week
Book- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
Instagram: @SamKaituna
Please let me know what you think about this content with a rating or review on Apple Podcasts, or hit my up with a DM on Instagram @NickTroutmanKayak I would love to hear more about the subjects that you are most interested in, or any individuals that you would like me to interview.
Thanks for watching,
Nick Troutman
SUPzero Forums
- Small Pyranha Loki for sale » Hi Charles, Unfortunately this post is over 4 years old so I would imagine the boat has been sold... (FS - North America - US)
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- WTB Jackson Funrunner 60 » Looking for a Funrunner 60... (FS - North America - US)
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The Drive & Determination behind 4x World Champion and Serial Entrepreneur -...
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03 October 2021
"Screw it, let's do it." - Richard Branson
Today was another one of my most favorite interviews and conversations with a great friend of mine, 4x world champion and serial entrepreneur, Sam Sutton. Sam shared his entrepreneurial beginnings and big dreams, as well as how kayaking side...
Today was another one of my most favorite interviews and conversations with a great friend of mine, 4x world champion and serial entrepreneur, Sam Sutton. Sam shared his entrepreneurial beginnings and big dreams, as well as how kayaking side...
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