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992 results - showing 601 - 615  
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V10 Performance - 8203_V10_1279802845
Boats & Boards
2626   0   1   0   0  

Short Facts

Model Year
Designed from the ground up by Oscar Chalupsky, Greg Barton, and computer whiz John Dixon, the Epic V10 is incredibly fast and agile while maintaining comfortable stability.
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Menai 18 Premier - 8055_menai18top_1279195265
Boats & Boards
2996   0   4   0   0  

Short Facts

Model Year
For many sea kayaking is about getting somewhere; this is the boat to take you to that ‘somewhere’…
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Menai 18 Vac 2 - 8054_menai18top_1279194523
Boats & Boards
2930   0   4   0   0  

Short Facts

Model Year
For many sea kayaking is about getting somewhere; this is the boat to take you to that ‘somewhere’…
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Alaw Bach Premier - 8053_alawbachtop_1279193674
Boats & Boards
3060   0   4   0   0  

Short Facts

Model Year
When the ALAW arrived as the first of a new generation of high performance, fast and comfortable sea kayaks the ALAW BACH was set to follow closely behind. The ALAW BACH is a boat for those who are looking for the same responsive, fun but forgiving nature of the ALAW, but with a more conventional lower knee position. The ALAW BACH has the same hull shape as the ALAW but with a lowered, more gently sloping cockpit/front deck. Like the ALAW this is a boat that happily fits into the role of touring weekend boat but also comes alive playing around in the surf and tide races.
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Alaw Bach Vac 2 - 8052_alawbachtop_1279193238
Boats & Boards
3456   0   4   0   0  

Short Facts

Model Year
When the ALAW arrived as the first of a new generation of high performance, fast and comfortable sea kayaks the ALAW BACH was set to follow closely behind. The ALAW BACH is a boat for those who are looking for the same responsive, fun but forgiving nature of the ALAW, but with a more conventional lower knee position. The ALAW BACH has the same hull shape as the ALAW but with a lowered, more gently sloping cockpit/front deck. Like the ALAW this is a boat that happily fits into the role of touring weekend boat but also comes alive playing around in the surf and tide races.
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Alaw Premier - 8047_alawtop_1279046639
Boats & Boards
3149   0   4   0   0  

Short Facts

Model Year
The ALAW emerged from the Rockpool factory as the first of a new generation of high performance, fast and comfortable sea kayaks. It is a refined mid-volume sea kayak which combines good levels of speed, manoeuvrability and stability. This is a boat that happily fits into the role of touring weekend boat but has a liking for playing around in the surf and tide races.
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Alaw Vac 2 - 8046_alawtop_1279045434
Boats & Boards
3106   0   4   0   0  

Short Facts

Model Year
The ALAW emerged from the Rockpool factory as the first of a new generation of high performance, fast and comfortable sea kayaks. It is a refined mid-volume sea kayak which combines good levels of speed, manoeuvrability and stability. This is a boat that happily fits into the role of touring weekend boat but has a liking for playing around in the surf and tide races.
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Isel Premier - 8045_iseltop_1279043643
Boats & Boards
3070   0   3   0   0  

Short Facts

Model Year
The design philosophy behind the ISEL was to provide a boat designed to fit the smaller paddler with a snug fitting cockpit, excellent handling and enough speed to keep up with the group on the water. The ISEL has an updated deck layout and though the deck has been lowered to give a better cockpit fit, it still has a good load carrying capacity. The hull has been updated to improve handling yet further.
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Isel Vac 2 - 8044_iseltop_1279043403
Boats & Boards
3116   0   3   0   0  

Short Facts

Model Year
The design philosophy behind the ISEL was to provide a boat designed to fit the smaller paddler with a snug fitting cockpit, excellent handling and enough speed to keep up with the group on the water. The ISEL has an updated deck layout and though the deck has been lowered to give a better cockpit fit, it still has a good load carrying capacity. The hull has been updated to improve handling yet further.
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Alaska K2 605 Kevlar/Carbon - 8037_RTEmagicCAla605jpg_1279036095
Boats & Boards
3228   0   1   0   0  

Short Facts

Model Year
Langstreckenzweier für den Einsatz auf Großgewässern und im Küstenbereich, von Francesconi Canoe. Durch die beinahe 6m lange Wasserlinie erreicht der Alaska K2 605 auch in vollbeladenem Zustand eine ungewöhnlich hohe Reisegeschwindigkeit. Das Boot verfügt über eine sehr hohe Anfangsstabilität und meistert auch die rausten Bedingungen anspruchsvoller Seekajaktouren. Das hohe Stauraumvolumen und die gute Zugänglichkeit machen das Boot zum idealen Gepäckboot. Die große Ladeluke in der Mitte erlaubt auch die Mitnahme von Kindern.
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Boats & Boards
2974   0   0   0   0  

Short Facts

Model Year
Kompakter Tourenzweier, der durch seine lange Wasserlinie sehr hohe Tourengeschwindigkeiten erreicht. Aufgrund seines perfekten Handlings ist der Alaska K2 530 ohne Probleme auf offenen Großgewässern und im Küstenbereich einsetzbar.
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Ustica 475 Kevlar/Carbon - 8032_RTEmagicCU47502jpg_1279032952
Boats & Boards
4994   0   1   0   0  

Short Facts

Model Year
Ein schnelles, klassisches Tourenboot für den sportlichen Fahrer. Auch in beladenem Zustand fährt der Ustica 475 sehr trocken und bietet sich daher durchaus auch für Gepäckfahrten im Küstennahbereich an. Der Stauraum ist ausreichend dimensioniert um auch das Gepäck für eine mehrtägige Fahrt aufzunehmen.
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Esplora Kevlar/Carbon - 8029_RTEmagicCesplora02jpg_1279025361
Boats & Boards
4486   0   1   0   0  

Short Facts

Model Year
Ein bestechend schönes Boot mit eleganter Linienführung, ideal für Langstreckenfahrten auf Großgewässern und im Küstenbereich. Trotz der schmalen Bauweise mit nur 52cm Breite, verfügt der Esplora über eine sehr hohe Anfangsstabilität. Dank der anatomisch ausgeformten Sitzanlage wird entspanntes, kraftsparendes Paddeln über längste Distanzen möglich. Die lange Wasserlinie macht das Boot zu einem der schnellsten seiner Klasse. Um auch kräftiger gebauten Fahrern ein bequemes Sitzen zu ermöglichen, kann der Esplora jetzt auch mit einem extra breiten anatomischen Sitz bestellt werden.
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Calypso Kevlar/Carbon - 8027_calypso_1279023620
Boats & Boards
2490   0   1   0   0  

Short Facts

Model Year
"Länge läuft", der CALYPSO 650 ist der Beleg. Ein Langstreckenzweier für den Einsatz auf Großgewässern und im Küstenbereich von Francesconi & CS Canoe.
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Adirondack 13.6 Carbon Fusion - 7921_Adirondack136_1278523668
Boats & Boards
2932   0   6   0   0  

Short Facts


11977 Westar Lane
WA 98233

Phone: +1 (360)757-2300

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Model Year
The 'big brother" to the 12' Adirondack gives a little more room for larger paddlers, extra gear or a friend. The addition of a front bulkhead means that this kayak can easily take an adventurous paddler on an overnight or be loaded up with gear for a big day out.
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992 results - showing 601 - 615  
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