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Review Detail

Flirt Large
Boats & Boards
(Updated: April 19, 2005)
Overall rating 
Value / Money 

great for big guys

It's about time someone has brought out a playboat that works for us big guys. The Flirt is the first "play boat" that does things that other boats can do and is still short and stubby (and not a small creeker). For years I have been in river runners as my playboat because there was nothing else. When the big Bliss-stick RAD came out I thought it was cool but when I paddled the Flirt it was beyond words. No more sitting all the way back in the boat, no more dead feet and numb legs, but room to move and do tricks that in my old bosts seemed so far away.

This boat has steeped up my ability to paddle and stop at playspots and not get flushed out because my boat is too long, but still having enough volume in it to paddle decent rivers and not spend most of my time looking up at the sky or rolling.

Thanks Fluid your boat kicks serious arse!!!!

New Zealand


About Me
Location: New Zealand
Age: 26
Weight: 115 kgs
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