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Path: » The Playak Factor » Steve West » 2015
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Discipline: All - Whitewater Kayak - SUP - Fish

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The Playak Factor - Steve West 2015

Steve West

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Playak Factor September 2015: 0 points.

Relative: 0.0% of top scorer. Average: 0.0 points per day.

Brands: Mistral

Date Category Site Headlines
Sep 9 Social Instagram When you stand up paddle and still have your camera on... ° Stand up paddle surfing and stand up paddle boarding (SUP), (Hoe he'e nalu in the Hawaiian language) are sports originating in Hawaii as an offshoot of surfing. They enable surfers to paddle farther into the ocean than is typical or to paddle standing up as a sport unto itself. A 2013 report called it the outdoor sporting activity with the most first-time participants of any in the United States that year. Paddlers race on lakes, large rivers and canals, ride breaking waves, and glide over long distances along sea coasts, often using tail winds to aid the trip. Stand up paddlers wear a variety of wet suits and other clothing, depending on both water and air temperature since most of their time is spent standing on the board. A related, traditional sport, paddleboarding, is done kneeling on a board and paddling with the hands, similar to a butterfly swimming stroke. The term 'paddleboarding' is sometimes incorrectly used to refer to stand up paddle surfing. Historian and writer Steve West, notes that the contemporary notion of stand up paddle boarding, if attributed to the Waikiki Beach Boys of Oahu during the 1960s, considers that outrigger canoeing should in fact be recognised as the direct link between the idea of standing on a board and propelling it with a canoe paddle, seeing as these two primary skills (board riding and paddling) were merely being combined, by people who had traditionally grown up around both skills as part of their cultural rite of passage.

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