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Path: » The Playak Factor » Sam Mauldin » 2014
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Discipline: All - Whitewater Kayak - SUP - Fish

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The Playak Factor - Sam Mauldin 2014

Sam Mauldin

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Playak Factor November 2014: 3 points.

Relative: 1.6% of top scorer. Average: 0.1 points per day.

Brands: Hala

Date Category Site Headlines
Nov 26 Social Instagram Pretty disappointed in Guadalupe river state park. We've been doing our kayaking trips from up river to the state park about 5 or 6 times a year for 5 years now and have always been able to leave a truck at the park waiting for us to arrive. We were allowed to take two vehicles in to drop one off and pay the day pass for that said vehicle and get a free pass for the second to pick up the driver. On Sunday we went again but this time I was told I had to pay a day pass for my truck just to drive in and pick up the driver of the drop-off vehicle. When I explained that they had never charged me before they said it was a new policy, I understood and agreed to pay the $7 pass then I was told that I had to pay $7 for everyone in the truck just to drive in and pick one person up then leave. So my two little brothers decided to stay at the front gate while I drove in but while I was gone they were told they had to walk outside of the park gates to wait, that they couldn't be around the office as if they were a couple of hoodlums. I've been going to state parks for most of my life and have never had this kind of treatment, We will be finding a new river route for next year to avoid the state park ‪#‎wasbetteroutside

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