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Path: » The Playak Factor » Jim Terrell » 2017
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Discipline: All - Whitewater Kayak - SUP - Fish

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The Playak Factor - Jim Terrell 2017

Jim Terrell

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Playak Factor March 2017: 21 points.

Relative: 6.7% of top scorer. Average: 0.7 points per day.

Brands: Quickblade

Date Category Site Headlines
Mar 24 News ... ...
Mar 22 Social Instagram I was at a loss of words opening up my package from Quickblade. I didn't really get many details from Jim Terrell about the specifics of the paddle, so the surprise and shock just left my speechless. Before the event took place I was able to speak briefly with Jim thanks to Adam, who literally ran him down for me. We discussed the paddle I was using for the event and possibly a commemorative paddle being made... if I successfully beat the record. During the 24 hour event at around 3 or 4 a.m (15-16 hours in) I had a moment where I stopped paddling and looked at the moon and thought 'Ha, I bet no one would really hold it against me if I stopped paddling after coming this far.' And, as corny as it sounds, I remember thinking 'I really want that awesome paddle though.' My caffeine fueled brain was imagining this fictitious superman paddle (which wasn't even this amazing), and I had to keep fighting to earn it. That thought got me through the last portion of the night. Having this in my hand is still leaving me at a loss of words. It's a physical embodiment of all the effort that went into the world record, and it will always be a reminder of what has been done, and what can be done. I can't thank the Quickblade Team enough, I wouldn't have broken the record without their paddle.
Mar 22 Social Distressed Mullet FB Coolest super paddle nice work Robert! #Repost @super_robert_cgt ・・・ I was at a loss of words opening up my package from Quickblade. I didn't really get many details from Jim Terrell about the specifics of the paddle, so the surprise and shock just left my speechless. Before the event took place I was able to speak briefly with Jim thanks to Adam, who literally ran him down for me. We discussed the paddle I was using for the event and possibly a commemorative paddle being made.. if I successfully beat the record. During the 24 hour event at around 3 or 4 a.m (15-16 hours in) I had a moment where I stopped paddling and looked at the moon and thought 'Ha, I bet no one would really hold it against me if I stopped paddling after coming this far.' And, as corny as it sounds, I remember thinking 'I really want that awesome paddle though.' My caffeine fueled brain was imagining this fictitious superman paddle (which wasn't even this amazing), and I had to keep ...

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