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Path: » The Playak Factor » Jessica Bellofatto » 2017
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Discipline: All - Whitewater Kayak - SUP - Fish

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The Playak Factor - Jessica Bellofatto 2017

Jessica Bellofatto

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Playak Factor May 2017: 27 points.

Relative: 10.3% of top scorer. Average: 0.9 points per day.

Brands: Boga

Date Category Site Headlines
May 27 Social ... ...
May 21 Social ... ...
May 17 Social ... ...
May 7 Social Instagram Stand up paddle board yoga at night in East Hampton, NY. Using colorfully lit paddle boards to illuminate the water beneath you, give yourself a workout challenge on the water. #yoga #sup #adventure #ocean #nocqua #supyoga #EastHampton #workout #live TRAVEL TIP: For a post workout meal, stop by East Hamptons Sandwich Co. for an amazing lobster roll! @easthamptonsandwich @jessicabellofatto @nocqua
May 4 Social Instagram While @supyogavi is finishing up her plant medicine retreat in Peru, we await Katie to arrive in Tulum this weekend to start all the prep for our SUP YOGA TEACHER CERTIFICATION Weekend Workshop for June 9-11, 2017! We have an extensive and intensive program all set up to get your yoga teacher training ready for the water this summer! You will get the combined experience of two BOGA YOGA Caribbean Floating Studios joining forces to bring you one of the most extensive programs in teacher training land! With an 80 page manual that is chalk full of absolutely everything you need to know to teach your students in a safe environment and you will learn rescue techniques plus 4 signature #supyogatulum classes designed by @carolinegwyoga! You will become a proficient paddler giving you the confidence to take your sup yoga groups out onto the waters in your region and you'll learn all this in one of the most beautiful floating studios in the world ... our private lagoon in the WORLD UNESCO HERITAGE SIGHT OF Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve IN Tulum, Mexico! You will become a #supyogatulum teacher affiliate and have 25 hours accreditation with Yoga Alliance continuing education. Click on our website in the profile to reserve your board and spot - limited number of spaces available! We also have special pricing @hotelcorazondejade with shared and private accomodation available! . UPCOMING SUMMER•FALL•WINTER 2017/18 dates with @carolinegwyoga and @jessicabellofatto !! #bogayoga #bogasup #bogaambassador #suptt #yogaalliance #tulumyoga #ceritfication #yogaeverydamnday #yoga #paddleboard #sup #learninparadise #ryt200 #watersafety #waterrescue #teachertraining •also visit our link to see testimonials from our last group of sup yoga tulum affiliates!
May 3 Social Instagram repost from our inspiring leader ▹▷▹▷▹▷▹▷▹ @jessicabellofatto ▹▷▹▷▹▷▹▷▹ So thrilled to announce that KamaDeva Yoga is getting a new look, a new name, and a fresh new start. As of today, the studio is re-named JBYoga. Those curtains in the background are gone, the studio is being painted as we speak, and the new website is almost complete. (But that gorgeous light coming through the window remains the same !) Have you ever tried to change a business name ??? Omg. It's not so easy. Why the change? There are many reasons. As I grew my personal business of standup paddle boarding and retreats, I was feeling the studio was getting the short end of the stick. I feel at this point in time it is appropriate and important to pull everything under one roof, simplify my life just a little bit, and allow the studio it's rightful place among my other offerings. Also the name JBYoga is close to my heart (and not because those are my initials!!!). As written in this month's newsletter @kamadevayoga, the tag line of Just. Be. You. resonates loud and clear with me. The process of yoga is a process of returning to the source. Returning to our true-est nature, our authentic selves. To just be you is to do just this. To strip away all that is non-essential and get to the heart of the matter. Get to the heart of you. Plain and simple. Stay tuned for new teachers, classes, and our brand new look as we usher in Summer 2017. Yay!!!!! @jesssail @seagypsy65 @toniadangelo @jenfrasher @siririshi @loisnesbittyoga @niannarosebray @bloomandspark @maryt_sabo @ericavelasquez ° @sunnykhalsa

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