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170 Rotterdam
Industrial Park

Phone: +1 (418) 878-3099

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Beluga DUF-115 King Cab - PVC Duffle Bag
Beluga DUF-80 Sports Cab Cargo Bag (80 L)
Beluga DUF-N50 Sportlite Cargo Mesh Bag (50 L)
Beluga Nacelle Durable Polyester Cargo Mesh Bag
Beluga BCNEO-3M Neoprene Shoes

Gear by Brand

Beluga: 74 listings.

User Rating   Year   Name
2009  Beluga BCNEO-3M Neoprene Shoes
2009  Beluga BHNEO-6 Neoprene Boots
2009  Beluga BPG-2 Dual-chamber Inflatable Paddle Float
2009  Beluga CH-1 Long and Short Towing Bungee
2009  Beluga CH-2 Long and Short Towing Bungee
2009  Beluga CH-3M Bungee Paddle Leash with Reflective Tape
2009  Beluga CH-4 Sea Kayak Pro System Towing Bungee
2009  Beluga CH-5 Cobra Towing System
2009  Beluga CH-6 Modulus Towing Cable
2009  Beluga CHK-1 Cargo Cockpit Cover
2009  Beluga CHK-2 Nylon Cockpit Cover
2009  Beluga CHK-3 P.V.C. Cockpit Cover
2009  Beluga Creeker PFD
2009  Beluga DK-1 Whitewater Kayak Backband
2009  Beluga DK-2U Universal Sport Kayak Backrest
2009  Beluga DRPF Dragon Pants Women
2009  Beluga DRPH Dragon Pants Men
2009  Beluga DRSF Dragon Shorts Women
2009  Beluga DRSH Dragon Shorts Men
2009  Beluga DUF-115 King Cab - PVC Duffle Bag
2009  Beluga DUF-80 Sports Cab Cargo Bag (80 L)
2009  Beluga DUF-N50 Sportlite Cargo Mesh Bag (50 L)
2009  Beluga IGLSF Iguana Long Sleeve Women
2009  Beluga IGLSH Iguana Long Sleeve Men
2009  Beluga IGSSF Iguana Short Sleeve Women
2009  Beluga IGSSH Iguana Short Sleeve Men
2009  Beluga JK-0 Basic Nylon Sea Kayak Sprayskirt
2009  Beluga JK-0-Z Zippered Sprayskirt
2009  Beluga JK-1 Nylon Sea Kayak Sprayskirt
2009  Beluga JK-2 Deluxe Sea Kayak Sprayskirt
2009  Beluga JK-3 "Explorer" Sprayskirt
2009  Beluga JK-NMT-AS Necky Manitou II Sprayskirt Solo
2009  Beluga JK-NMT-AT Necky Manitou II Sprayskirt Tandem
2009  Beluga KSG Sea Kayak Security Kit
2009  Beluga KSM Sea Kayak Security Kit
2009  Beluga MB Mammut Wiregate Carabiner
2009  Beluga MB-N Plastic Biner
2009  Beluga MB-O Oval Carabiner
2009  Beluga MB-OL Locking Oval Carabiner
2009  Beluga MB-P Paddle Carabiner
2009  Beluga MC-6 Hip Pad Kit
2009  Beluga MC-8 Curved Microcell Paddle Float
2009  Beluga MC-8-E Basic Microcell Paddle Float
2009  Beluga MJ-2 Cargo Half Skirt
2009  Beluga Nacelle Durable Polyester Cargo Mesh Bag
2009  Beluga NEO-GG15 1.5 mm Neoprene Gloves
2009  Beluga NEO-GG30 3 mm Neoprene Gloves
2009  Beluga NEO-S 2 mm Neoprene Socks
2009  Beluga PB-18 Canoe and Kayak Pump
2009  Beluga PI-18 Basic Bilge Pump
2009  Beluga PK-2 Aquashell Kayak Poggies
2009  Beluga PK-2-C Aquashell Canoe Poggies
2009  Beluga PS-15 Scotty Compact Bilge Pump
2009  Beluga SA-1 Basic Ventilated Throwbag
2009  Beluga SA-2-S Spectra Compact Ventilated Ergo Throwbag
2009  Beluga SA-2-V Compact Ventilated Ergo Throwbag
2009  Beluga SA-3-S Spectra Standard Ventilated Ergo Throwbag
2009  Beluga SA-3-V Standard Ventilated Ergo Throwbag
2009  Beluga SA-4 Magnum Ventilated Bag
2009  Beluga SA-4-S Spectra Magnum Ventilated Bag
2009  Beluga SA-5
2009  Beluga SC-1P Promotional Throwbag
2009  Beluga SC-1PK Promotional Throwbag Kit with Whistle, Lamp and Bailer
2009  Beluga SE-3 Modulus Belt
2009  Beluga SE-4 The Towboat
2009  Beluga SE-6 Towing Belt
2009  Beluga SNEOB-F Beluga 3mm Farmer Jane
2009  Beluga SNEOB-H Beluga 3mm Farmer John
2009  Beluga SNEODLX-F DeLuxe 3mm Farmer Jane
2009  Beluga SNEODLX-H DeLuxe 3mm Farmer John
2009  Beluga STR-4 HydroStar Deluxe
2009  Beluga STROBE-2 C-Strobe Light
2009  Beluga VK-1 Aquashell Hood
2009  Beluga VK-2 Aquashell Cap

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