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The Africa Revolutions Tour

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The Africa Revolutions Tour - 3291_SNAG2113_1261510207

Film Info

Release Date
August 01, 2009
Rush Sturges, Tyler Bradt, Lane Jacobs, Ian Garcia, Patrick Camblin, Aaron Rettig, Rita Riewerts and several others.
Run Time
The Sun Catchers Project, Dream Result, Last Descent and Stakeout teasers.
uganda : madagascar : zambia : south africa

Film Partners

the sun catchers project
The Africa Revolutions Tour is a project built on years of filmmaking and whitewater exploration. The intended goal of this film is to create a new genre of actions sports movies that couple the adventure and excitement of extreme, with cause-driven initiatives. Every cent this film generates will be donated to the Sun Catchers Project, a non-profit that installs solar cooking facilities in African orphanages, hospitals and communities. Join the Africa Revolutions Tour Team as they set out on one of the most ambitious kayaking adventures through the dark continent. From the crocodile infested White Nile in Uganda, to big water first descents throughout Madagascar, Africa Revolutions Tour is packed with action and a solid story line that follows this group of friends on their dangerous mission.

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