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A Practical Guide to Sea Kayaking in Southern Africa

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A Practical Guide to Sea Kayaking in Southern Africa - 1472_41WE29W4GKLSL500AA240_1260114409

Book Info

Release Date
January 01, 1999
Buy from Amazon (ISBN)

Packed full of basic, practical information, this practical guide to sea kayaking in southern Africa will be useful for both the novice and the experienced kayaker. It covers such aspects as equipment and accessories, basic paddling skills, capsizing, remounting and rescues, safety precautions, and includes an introduction to navigation. It concludes with a logbook, a float and rescue plan, a grading of routes and sea conditions and a rating of sea kayak qualifications.

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3.0  (1)
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Adrian's review on A Practical Guide to Sea Kayaking in Southern Africa

Both an instructional book to sea kayaking, as well as a guide to paddling the ocean in South Africa. More than half the book is a guide to all the spots in South Africa for sea kayaking. It has loads of information on that - GPS coordinates, directions, telephone numbers, references to topographical maps, warnings, everything a sea kayaker would want to know. The other half is how to start sea kayaking and I think this is where the book fails a bit. There are very few colour photographs and instruction is limited. It is also a bit dated now, as it was first published in 1999. However, I still found this book informative, even though I’m a white water paddler and not a sea kayaker. If you’re looking for good information on paddling the ocean in South Africa, then you’ll find exactly that in this one.

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