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The Paddling Chef: A Cookbook for Canoeists, Kayakers and Rafters
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Release Date
May 10, 2009
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You love to paddle. And you love to eat. So why are you still slurping soggy ramen out of a grubby coffee cup, when you could be reveling in a luxurious camp meal? "The Paddling Chef" was written for people who paddle, but who no longer want to be penalised for their love of the outdoors by lifeless meals. Paddler Dian Weimer shows hungry readers how to pack, carry and cook outdoor meals that help make water borne trips memorable - for all the right reasons. In "The Paddling Chef", you'll find well over 100 tried-and-true recipes for your favorite ingredients, as well as valuable planning and packing strategies. International in flavour, this cookbook contains tasty snippets from Indian, Chinese and Japanese foods, and section on wild foods.
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