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Floating & Fishing Oregon's Wilderness River Canyons

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Floating & Fishing Oregon's Wilderness River Canyons - 51WRFSS49JL

Book Info

Release Date
May 13, 2005
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Oregon has been blessed with some of the most spectacular wilderness river canyons in the world, and there is no better way to experience their beauty and solitude than by floating through them. Along with beautiful scenery, floating wilderness whitewater rivers also offers opportunities for personal challenge and solitude, or, if you prefer, building teamwork and enjoying friendships. In this book, Melinda Allen details the John Day Basin, Grande Ronde, Lower Deschutes, Owyhee River, Rogue River, and the Snake and Illinois rivers, including their trip lengths and solitude ratings. Drawing upon her years of experience as a river-running guide, Allen helps you safely navigate these waterways. Also covered are river-running basics such as float craft, basic rowing and paddling, trip planning, essential equipment, whitewater ratings, fishing information and tips, wildlife, interesting historical references, shuttles, permits, and so much more. Whether you are planning a river-running adventure of several hours, days or even weeks, Floating & Fishing Oregon’s Wilderness River Canyons will guide you to a safe and fun journey!

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