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Alaska River Maps & Fishing Guide
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Book Info
Release Date
September 11, 2008
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Finally, the ultimate book for anglers! Professional guides and expert anglers from all over the Northwest have teamed up to create these essential guidebooks. Each guide features numerous detailed maps, covering over 1,000 miles of river--and that's just the beginning. Each maps is packed with information, including: Roads and river access points; Drift-boat and power-boat landings; Peak fishing times for trout, salmon, steelhead, sturgeon, and more; Insect hatches and hatch-timing chart; Fly-fishing and conventional tackle techniques; Fishing knots & tackle guide; Important services and accommodations for anglers, and the list goes on. Whether you're casting from the bank or fishing from a boat, these guides tell you where to be and when to be there. Keep one copy in your car, and another in your office so you always have the information you need, when you need it.
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