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Papenoo Convertible Supfoil/Windfoil 7'11"

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Papenoo Convertible Supfoil/Windfoil 7'11"

Short Facts

Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
Construction & Material

Stats (Metric)

241 cms / 7'11"
77.5 cms / 30.5"
9 kg / 20 lbs
123 ltr / 32.5 gal
We are offering a board designed for SUP, Windsurf, and foil : The PAPENOO WINDFOILconvertible !

Just writing these words down seems incredible!!! Who could have thought of it even a few months ago? Life is full of surprises and this is why our job is so engaging.

Yes, 20 years down the road, F-ONE is offering a windsurfing board,again!!

After 4 years of work on the kitefoil, we’ve received demand from windsurfers and we have designed specific wings to offer them the products they need.

Then came along the question of the board and the PAPENOO Foil convertible appeared ideal for “windfoiling”.
The BAMBOO DECK construction has been proven for many years of production and offer a weight to resistance ratio with great reliability. The deck features a layer of bamboo to provide a tough impact and crushing resistance while the many layers of reinforcement on the bottom ensures solid strength.

Featured on all the 2016 SUP range:

The innovative and multifunction handle developed by F-ONE.
More comfortable with advanced ergonomics, it is completely recessed and makes it easier to carry the SUP. The new handle helps a lot to grab the boards easily when lying flat on the ground or on the water.

The SMART HANDLE includes the following features :

1 - Decompression valve
2 - Multifunction tool compartment
3 - Recessed volume
4 - Screwdriver head
5 - Allen key

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