Dawn patrol surf sessions thousands of miles from any ocean. The River Surfer makes it happen. River waves are not like ocean waves. Rivers waves are generally smaller and slower. ocean waves have sharks under them and aggro locals in the lineup, too. So it is not surprise that boards that surf in the ocean do not work well on standing waves in rivers. 4 years of design and testing have lead to what we think are the ultimate tools for surfing standing waves in rivers. These boards will rip large waves in high volume rivers like the Glenwood wave or Lachine, but where they shine is at the local play wave at average flows. The River Surfer is designed to have enough volume to plane out in smaller river waves, bringing surfing to your backyard play spot. (without sharks)
Fins Included: Trifin
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River Surfer 8'0
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Short Facts
Model Year
Intended Paddling Environment
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Stats (Metric)
244 cms / 8'0"
78.7 cms / 31"
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