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KEEN Promotes World Recess Day Sept. 14!

KEEN Promotes World Recess Day Sept. 14!

"Worldwide Recess Day is a great way for people around the world get outside take 10 minutes to have fun, enjoy friends, unwind and enjoy the fresh air..."

Want a great excuse to get out and paddle, and win schwag in the process? Footwear company KEEN is sponsoring World Wide Recess Day (WWRD) on September 14, trying to break the record for the most recesses ever taken in one 24-hour period. Knowing PL readers don't need much incentive to hit the water, clean those cobwebs out of your cockpit and join the cause...

As part of WWRD (again, on Sept. 14), KEEN is asking everyone to take 10 minutes out of their day to get outside and play. They've broken the promotion into three parts:

1)Take a break and snap a photo of you doing so (and get a chance to win a pair of KEENs)
2)Upload your photo to Instagram or Twitter and tag with #TAKE10
3)KEEN will announce one winner every hour from midnight to midnight, and award a grand prize winner on Sept. 15.

The company goes onto recommend everything from games of hopscotch to four square as part of its universal recess break...that is, if you don't have a paddle and boat handy.

"In a world that is moving faster and faster KEEN thinks it's more important than ever to celebrate play and all the benefits that come along with it," says promotion coordinator Gretchen Newby. "Worldwide Recess Day is a great way for people around the world get outside take 10 minutes to have fun, enjoy friends, unwind and enjoy the fresh air. We look forward to seeing how people across the country take recess on September 14."

For more information, visit the KEEN Facebook page at

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