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Path: » The Playak Factor » Mary Stults » 2017
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Discipline: All - Whitewater Kayak - SUP - Fish

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The Playak Factor - Mary Stults 2017

Mary Stults

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Playak Factor August 2017: 259 points.

Relative: 77.8% of top scorer. Average: 8.6 points per day.

Date Category Site Headlines
Aug 30 Social ... ...
Aug 26 Social ... ...
Aug 26 Social ... ...
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Aug 13 Social ... ...
Aug 13 Social Instagram At the end of the day, your feet should be dirty, your hair messy and your eyes sparkling. #sundayfunday #sundayvibes #getdirty #openyoureyes #getoutside #getoutdoors #boulderrez #boulder #denver #longmont #colorado #coloradolife ° Our amazing #supyoga instructor @marysusanstults
Aug 12 Social Instagram Beautiful and peaceful day at the office. . . Had a lovely morning with two sweet, talented, open-hearted, and adventurous Rocky Mountain mermaids. So thankful for the community that Yoga and Stand Up Paddleboarding bring into my life on a daily basis!!! Can't wait to practice and paddle with you ladies again very soon! . . . . . . . . @floatandflow @rockymountainpaddleboard #supyoga #standuppaddle #optoutside #saturdaymorning #explore #adventure #mermaidlife #supcolorado #supyogis #office #lovemyjob #community #cololove #coloradical #thankful #life #bewell #liveyourpractice
Aug 11 Social Instagram Can't wait to head back to the desert! Align & Fly! A Ladies Red Rocks Adventure Yoga Retreat this Sept 29th - Oct 3rd/4th! . . . 5 Days: $799 . 6 Days: $919 . . . Registration: . . . . @floatandflow @glidesup @localhoneydesigns @mandukayoga #retreatyoself #yoga #standuppaddle #supyoga #hike #skydive #bike #relax #restore #ranch #meditation #connect #explore #moab #utah #yogaretreat #hikingretreat #redrocks #fallretreat #nature #roots #adventure #sup #supyogi #riversup #whitewatersup #outdoorbella #asdt #asdtlifestyle #retreat
Aug 10 Social Instagram This September!!!! . . Align & Fly! Red Rocks Yoga, Hiking, SUP Adventure Retreat~ . . Ladies!!!! This fall treat yourself and join Mary Susan Stults in her home state, Utah, this September 29th - October 3rd/4th for for 5 nights/6 days OR 4 nights/5 days in Moab filled with hiking, yoga, fitness, SUP and SUP Yoga, meditation, and the option to add sky diving and mtn biking! . . . We'll be staying at a beautiful, quiet, rustic, and picturesque ranch just 12-15 minutes outside of town that sits at the base of the The Sal Mountains with a pool, small farm, lawns, and plenty of open space to roam, explore, and adventure. . . . This intimate and adventurous desert retreat is limited to 9-10 people so make sure to save your space soon by registering at the link below-- $300 deposit saves your space. . . . . Registration+ Details! . . . #retreatyoself #moab #redrocks #alignandshine #fly #hike #supyoga #yoga #bike #skydive #meditation #standuppaddle #exploremore #yogaretreat #retreat #travel #desertretreat #adventurebabes
Aug 9 Social Instagram Follow your heart, friends! Life is simply too short to not. Mine most often leads me to the sea. Can't wait to be back in the waves and water very soon in Spain and St Martin on two epic Stand Up Paddle Adventure Vacations this fall with @flowworldtravel! I'll be taking a few days to solo explore before I head back to the states from Spain and am looking for suggestions on the best yoga studios and your favorite surf spots in Barcelona and beyond. Going to try to hit up either Mundaka, Razo, Sopelana, or Nemiña but if anyone has a favorite surf beach or locale, please let me know! °✌️ . . . . . . . . #flowworldtravel #livefromtheheart #takemetothesea #surf #standuppaddle #sup #supyoga #yoga #fly #thrive #travel #perspective #explore #inspire #bewell #invert #handstand #play #adventure #spain #stcr #costarica #costaricanyogasurfsupretreat #liveyourpractice #yogasurfsup @floatandflow @flowworldtravel @localhoneydesigns
Aug 7 Social Instagram Taking flight! Spread your wings this week~ . . . . . Monday: . 6-7am Morning Vinyasa at White Lotus Therapeutics. . 6-7:15pm Align & Flow at @whitelotustherapeutics . . . . Tuesday: . 5-6:30pm, Hiking + Yoga at North Table Mtn with @floatandflow . . . . Wednesday: . 9-10:30am SUP Yoga at Cherry Creek Res w/ @rockymountainpaddleboard . . 6-7:15pm Align & Flow at @whitelotustherapeutics . . . . Thursday: . 6-7pm Sunset SUP Yoga at Grant Ranch w/ @altitudepaddleboards . . . . Friday: 9-10am Yoga In The Park at North Boulder Park, @amanayoga . . . . Saturday: 8:30-10am SUP Yoga at Boulder Res with @rockymountainpaddleboard . . 5-6:30pm Hiking + Yoga at North Table Mtn, @floatandflow . . . . Sunday: 9-10:30am SUP Yoga at Cherry Creek Res, @rockymountainpaddleboard . . 11-12pm Brewhouse Yoga at @factotum_brewhouse with @floatandflow . . 1:30-4:30pm SUP Yoga On The River: Paddling, Poses, & Pints on the South Platte River with @marysusanstults @altitudepaddleboards @breckbrew . . . . Monday: 6-7am Morning Vinyasa at @whitelotustherapeutics . . 8-9:30am SUP Yoga at Boulder Res w/ @rockymountainpaddleboard . . 6-7:15pm Align & Flow at @whitelotustherapeutics . . . . #mermaidlife #yoga #supyoga #standuppaddle #meditation #hike #treatyoself #paddlingposespints #supyogaontheriver #bewell #thrive #denveryoga #boulderyoga #balance #awake #fly #introspection #liveyourpractice #selfcare #exploremore @visitdenver @visitboulder @visitcolorado @mandukayoga
Aug 6 Social Instagram Sunrises at the lake. . . . #lakeestes #cabindays #mermaidlife #standuppaddle #supcolorado #sunrisepaddle #earlybird
Aug 6 Social Instagram Rise and Shine! We had so much fun yesterday in our SUP Yoga On The River: Paddling, Poses, & Pints Workshop on the South Platte! . . Getting to teach SUP Yoga and Stand Up Paddleboarding on the river, out in nature, with a fantastic group of ladies--well, it lights my soul on fire and I couldn't be more grateful to share my love and passion for yoga, Stand Up Paddlebarding, adventure, and all things W A T E R with my community! Until next time! . . . @floatandflow @altitudepaddleboards #supyogaontheriver #standuppaddle #takemetotheriver #alignandshine #beginthedaywithgratitude #grateful #adventure #supyoga #yoga #sup #southplatte #denversup #denveryoga #paddlingposespints #invert #headstand #mermaidlife
Aug 4 Social Instagram Align and shine! Pick your perspective! A W I D E variety of opportunities this weekend to explore your yoga practice on the mat, on the trail, on the lake OR river, or in the taproom at @factotum_brewhouse! @floatandflow Friday: . 7:30-8:30am Hatha Flow at @amanayoga . . 9:00-10:00am Yoga In The Park: Morning Flow, @amanayoga . . . . Saturday: . 8:00-9:30am Hiking + Yoga at North Table Mountain, @floatandflow . . 1:30-4:30pm SUP Yoga On the River, South Platte River, @floatandflow + @altitudepaddleboards . . . . Sunday: . 9:00-10:30am Sunday SUP Yoga, Cherry Creek Reservoir, @rockymountainpaddleboard . . 11:00-12:00pm Brewhouse Yoga at @factotum_brewhouse in Denver, @floatandflow . . 2:30-3:30pm All-Ages/Kids Yoga at @amanayoga, Boulder . . . . Monday: . 6:00-7:00am Morning Vinyasa Flow at @whitelotustherapeutics in Denver . . 8:00-9:30am Monday Morning SUP Yoga, Boulder Reservoir, @rockymountainpaddleboard . . 6:00-7:15pm Align & Flow, @whitelotustherapeutics in Denver . . . . . #yoga #meditation #supyoga #standuppaddle #riversup #hike #rmnp #denveryoga #boulderyoga #alignandshine #alignandflow #bewell
Aug 3 Social Instagram . What's SUP?! . SUP Yoga with @TheRiverYoga, yours truly, & @AltitudePaddleboards is coming up! . . This summer @theriveryoga, @AltitudePaddleboards, and Mary Susan Stults are teaming up to offer this fun and refreshing end-of-summer Sunset SUP Yoga Workshop at a beautiful private reservoir in the Denver area. . . . . Don't miss it! You can register here-- . . Registration: . . Included: Workshop Board Paddle SUP Yoga Anchor PFD (Personal Flotation Device) Incredible Community Sunset on the Water Healthy Dose of Nature! . . . ***Feel free to email Mary Susan at with any questions regarding the class and practice. All registration questions will be directed to The River. Thanks! See you on the water! . . . #supyoga #denveryoga #standuppaddle #summerofsup #paddleboardyoga #sunset #nature #beauty #balance #treatyourself #coloradoyoga
Aug 3 Social Instagram This new beauty arrived today on the freight truck. Sometimes bigger is better! °° Can't wait to get the newest board in my fleet out on the rivers, lakes, and oceans soon!!! . . . . @floatandflow @glidesup @localhoneydesigns #standuppaddle #supyoga #optonboard #eliteglideathlete #glidesup #glidesuptribe #sup #fleet #supyogi #supwomen #supsurf #riversup #whitewatersup #yogaeverywhere #glideon #grateful #supgirl #surfergirl #newwhip
Aug 2 Social Instagram Float and flow. Nice little morning of SUP Yoga on the lake with a lovely new friend from Hong Kong! . . Looking forward to my next #SUPYoga class tomorrow evening at Grant Ranch --join me for a sunset flow from 6-7pm with myself and @altitudepaddleboards on a beautiful private reservoir in the #Denver area! . . . . @floatandflow @rockymountainpaddleboard #supyogis #standuppaddle #denveryoga #yogaunites #yogaeverywhere #floatingstudio #happiness #passion #cherrycreekres #morningflow #light #nature #beauty #optonboard #supyogi #exploremore

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