After extensive research and testing, Silver Cord is finally ready to reveal their innovative technology to the world. This groundbreaking new product will change the way you look at surf leashes forever. The leash includes elements such as an inner cord that activates when the leash breaks, an emergency Bail Safe Device as well as three interchangeable components.
The leash designer and inventor, Craig Drysdale, recalls how the Silver Cord idea came to mind:
“I have always been a surfer at heart, even after I had a bit of a break,” said Craig. “Then, some time last year, I was persuaded to go for a surf at a fun, reef break in South Africa. It was only four-foot, but on the very first wave I got battered rather badly. Due to my lack of fitness, I had put myself in a rather compromised position. The very first thing that went through my mind was ‘please don’t let the leash snap.’ Fortunately, it didn’t, but the experience sparked an idea to create a leash that is fully functional by normal industry standards, but with an element of back-up safety built in.”
The leash is hollow. Within the leash is a cord that has a breaking strength that is greater than the leash. The leash is fully functional, but when it breaks, the inner cord, the 'Silver Cord,' then stays intact and allows the surfer to retain his or her surfboard, and make a decision from there. The decision can be to either make his or her way to the safety of the beach, or to continue surfing. The inner cord works much like a safety parachute.
Should a surfer want to be disconnected from the surfboard in extreme conditions, after a big wipe-out, strong currents, or as a result of entanglement, there is a unique quick-release pin that will immediately disconnect the surfer and the leash. This is referred to as the Bail Safe Device (BSD).
Another unique element in the Silver Cord is that the three components - the cuff, the leash and the rail saver - are all interchangeable. Should your leash break, a simple screw system will allow you to replace the broken component (the leash) to the existing ankle cuff and rail saver. Similarly, should the surf be much bigger than anticipated, you can simply replace the leash component with a longer and thicker leash, utilising the existing rail saver and cuff. Components will be sold in packs or individually, and this will cut down on leash costs going forward.
The leashes are made from the highest quality material. The strength and stretch is the same as premier leashes on the market. The inner cord is only activated and functional once the normal functionality of the leash fails.
The interchangeable components will also be available in various colours, should you want to personalise your Silver Cord.
Silver Cord technology patents are filed and protected.
Silver Cord will be at the Orlando Surf Expo that takes place in Orlando on 8-10 September. The brand will be at Stand 1557 at the Expo.
Product will be available in October 2016.
Apart from the Silver Cord, the product range will include bodyboard leashes, big wave leashes, SUP leashes, soft racks, wetsuit bags and a number of other accessory items. There will also be a standard leash without the inner cord available. All leashes will come with interchangeable elements.
So if you’re a competitive surfer, a big wave surfer, going on a surf trip, a bodyboarder or just a weekend warrior fun surfer, the Silver Cord is designed to make your life safer.
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Silver Cord - The Safest Surf Leash Ever Built
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