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C1: rodeo, cartwheel

How to cartwheel a C1. The move that gets points in freestyle and looks good. The numbers in the corner of the animation relate to each passage of text.

  1. Set up facing upstream and put the boat at a 45 degree angle and lift the front by pulling the blade back in the water.
  2. Once the front comes up to about 30 degrees like shown in the animation turn the blade over onto the non driving face and push down throwing your weight slightly forward.
  3. The back will now start to come round and you will be on your side so use it to support on and push the back round.
  4. Once the back is at 90 degrees begin to bring your paddle out of the water to put it in on the other side to catch in the water for the next end.
  5. Keep the boat turning by moving your hips in the direction of the paddle to keep the boats momentum as if there is not enough this is where you will fall over. You also need to keep the paddle coming round as fast as you can to get it into the water.
  6. The back will now start to catch in the flow of the water and you need to keep your hips rotating and the paddle coming round to get enough momentum to keep it moving.
  7. The animation explains it all: just keep the boat moving and set the paddle up as shown so the tip catches first.
  8. You now need to bring you weight forward so the boat does not fall over the top of you and the paddle needs to set up for the smash so the next end can be thrown
  9. The paddle is put deep into the flow and your hips put all the twist in to get the boat moving faster.
  10. Now throw your weight forward and really commit to the smash using your hips and shoulder to keep it rotating
  11. This is the same as number 2 keep smash going and get ready to bring the back round again.

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