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Aargau, River Reuss, Bremgarten lower wave

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Playspot: Switzerland, Aargau, River Reuss, Bremgarten lower wave (Untere Welle / Honegger Wehr)

What's it like

Oli, our 'local' hero from Konstanz

Beautifully regular, partly breaking wave. The surf-left five meters of the wave start breaking at levels above 130 cumecs (typically April-November). This breaking part allows for endless spins, blunts, wheels, window shades, splits, etc etc etc. As the water is not too deep, you may have to reduce your angle or start your wheeling a bit higher on top of the foam. If you flip, you can expect to hit the bottom with your paddle. Hitting your head on the bottom is less common, but it does happen sometimes.

As swimming is safe here, the place is also ideal for beginning freestylers. Stay away from the surf-right 10 meters of the wave, as it contains quite some wooden and metal strainers!

Best time: May-August. If the water level is too low, the second spot in Bremgarten will typically be even better! If you're not sure which spot to play, start at the upper wave and if it sucks, paddle down 1.5 kms to the Honnegger Wehr. One of the spots is almost always ok during the season. From the Honegger Wehr, it's only a 400 meter hike back to your car...

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Info sources

Joempie, Tomi

Nearest weather station (°C):

Surfrider Foundation
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