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Wet West Film Fest needs your film!

[Unedited Press Release]

Calling all Film Makers!

The Wet West Film Festival is an international, competitive film festival, with water as its theme, mixed liberally with the outdoors and stirred by adventure!

Kayak Video Contest

This new, exciting event for all film makers is now calling for entries of film around any aspect of a watery theme!

The Wet West Film Festival aims to celebrate water, its power and energy in many settings and water’s place in the outdoors. It looks forward to stories that are told because of, around, or floating down a waterway. Think laterally: there’s snow, ice, sea, lakes, rivers, rain – all sorts of connections!

Films can be any length. We welcome submissions from professionals, first timers or anyone who has a good story to tell. To make it easy you can supply entries on MiniDV or DVD. And if that is not enough entry is FREE! so what are you waiting for.. get editing and get your film on the big screen and enter your film before the 15th November to be a part of this unique event. Join us in Hokitika, New Zealand for the screenings 7 – 9 January 2005. And do some heli boating while you are in town.

Visit now for your entry form.

"Cause in Hokitika…even the rain’s a celebration!"
See you here, in January.

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