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Winnipeg River, Whitemud Falls

Playspot: Canada, Manitoba, Winnipeg, Winnipeg River, Whitemud Falls.

What's it like

There are three waves here. On river right the upstream wave is great for surfing. It is a wide friendly super big surfing wave that you can drop into from the river right eddy. This is the best wave at Whitemud Falls. The next wave downstream is a standing wave on the river left and can be accessed from the river left eddy. The river left wave is good for surfing but watch out for the green water in the middle of the wave since it might cause you to fall off the wave. Surfing the river right wave often involves a long paddle back since the eddy is not as good on that side of the river. In general this is a safe place to play. The water is cool till late May or early June. Bring a drytop, skull cap, and some gloves for spring paddling.

How to get there

Route description Located approximately 90 minutes from Winnipeg. For Whitemud Falls, follow highway 59 north out of Winnipeg. Turn east onto highway 304 and head to Pine Falls. Then turn right (east) onto highway 11 and follow it to the Whitemud Falls sign. If you are traveling from Ontario turn north off of the Trans Canada at West Hawk Lake (highway 44) turn north again at highway 307. Follow the 307 to the junction at highway 11and turn north, proceed to the hamlet of Whitemud. Turn north off the highway and follow the gravel road for a short distance. There are houses and cottages on both sides of this road. When the road turns right you turn left and you should be able to see the river. You can park at the end of the short spur road. There is an outhouse here at the put-in. Walk down the sand and gravel ramp to the water. The surfing waves are a short 500m paddle to the right.

More info

  • [mail address protected from spambots with javascript] : +1-204-772-3134
  • [mail address protected from spambots with javascript] : +1-204-754-2651
  • Andrew Macdonald: +1-204-642-5354
  • Richard Helbig: +1-204-895-8906
  • Terry Bugera: +1-204-233-8230
  • Mick Lautt: +1-204-775-1124


Watch out for the odd motorboat. In the hamlet of Whitemud the home owners are generally friendly as long as you are respectful they do not mind kayakers parking on their property.

Info sources

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