In Our Waters

The more of us that are inspired to practice habits that result in less plastic being used and disposed of the healthier our planet’s waters will be. It’s a complicated set of causes-and effects that have overwhelmed us all with plastic. How understandable that at times we feel frustrated at how much our efforts might make a difference.

It was exactly that frustration that led me to write a chapter book for kids (ages 8-13) that designed some very do-able community-wide actions and projects as told through the voices of the kids themselves. Connected to that chapter book is a three-month “Blue Life Journal” designed to reinforce habits that lead to awareness and caring.

The future belongs to our children and grand children. Providing them with the tools they need to be engaged, reflective, and curious solution-seekers is important. THE QUEST FOR BLUE PLANET SUPER HEROES contains a unique, “Blue Life” guided journal practice. The book also has a fiction adventure story embedded inside. Kids (ages 9-13) will love meeting Kate Buffet and all of her friends in The Hunt to Save the Ocean. The fiction story will inspire real-life ECO activism and something that can actually occur within a community.

It would be ideal to arrive at your favorite beach, river, bay or lake and discover the only items in the water were its natural flora, fauna and maybe some clouds dancing on the glassy surface

But even along the most isolated and pristine beaches, the tides bring in discarded plastic and litter with disturbing regularity. So, we continue to do what we can while inspiring others. If you want to explore my book, THE QUEST FOR BLUE PLANET SUPER HEROES I am happy to share a digital version of the book at no cost. Simply contact me on the website.

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