Exploring the Tatshenshini & Alsek Rivers

In May 2014 two recent Colorado College grads and I had the opportunity to take a 12-day inflatable kayak trip down the Tatshenshini, with the assistance of a school Ritt Kellogg grant. This river trip, starting at Dalton Post in the Yukon, and ending at Dry Bay, AK winds through an immensely beautiful landscape.

The Tatshenshini starts as a small stream, and the river reaches nearly a mile wide when it flows past the confluence with the Alsek River. Downstream of the confluence glaciers surround the river , icebergs choke a crucial lake crossing, and bald eagles fly high in the sky scanning for prey. Canoe & Kayak published a couple articles on the experience:

Film Debut: Tatshenshini / Bucket List: A Case for the Inflatable Kayak / Light & Cheap on the Tat

Explore below for the resulting film and photographs from the trip to experience a small taste of the beauty of this classic river trip. Make sure to watch the video in HD!

Note: please allow a little time for the photo gallery below to load. You won't be disappointed!

Planning A Trip?
I'd highly recommend the Tatshenhini River Guide. Purchase it below from Amazon to help support the site.

Any questions? Planning a trip like this? I'd love to share some advice and wisdom, just shoot me an email.

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