Help Support AW's Work to Protect and Restore Rivers!

Posted: 06/25/2014
By: Megan Hooker

Throughout the rest of 2014, American Whitewater will be working hard across the country to protect and restore the rivers that you love, and ensure that the public can enjoy them safely.

As you'll see in our 2014 Summer Appeal, we've got our work cut out for us, from the Department of Energy's recent call to build dams across 3 million river and stream reaches across the country, to our key projects addressing the impacts of the drought in California, preventing new dams in the Pacific Northwest, keeping water in Colorado's rivers, and advocating for Wild and Scenic protections in the Southeast and Northeast.

We can't do this work without your support, and twice each year, we reach out to you to ask that you become a member or renew your membership to American Whitewater, or to consider making a tax-deductible donation.

We hope that what we're working on supports the special places that bring you joy, adventure, inspiration and community. As a whitewater lover and fierce defender of rivers, your support is more important than ever to help us see these projects through. Please take a look at our Summer Appeal, and consider making a tax-deductible donation or joining American Whitewater today! The team at AW thanks you, and so do the rivers!

Rest assured, your donations will support river stewardship projects across the country throughout the rest of 2014. For the third year in a row, American Whitewater was awarded the highest rating from Charity Navitator!


Summer Appeal 2014 (6/25/2014)

Highlights of AW's work throughout the rest of 2014 and call for memberships and support!

Join AW and support river stewardship nationwide!