Sailing Away the Polar Seltzer Way

We are so fortunate to call the Clearwater Community Sailing Center (CCSC) our winter watersports home. It’s a fantastic place to meet new friends, sail the wide open bay for fun or for racing and to observe the commitment of staff and members to the next generation of sailors. Here’s a refreshing Polar Seltzer toast to all!

(Photo Credit: Eddie Shasek)

In spite of the unseasonably cool – and often rainy – weather today, twelve well-sailed races took place in a wide variety of wind conditions. Two things were constant: big smiles on every face and the most excellent hydration. Why the great hydration? The event was sponsored by Polar Seltzer.

Zale and Jake represented the Polar Seltzer booth with a bounty of enthusiasm. We were encouraged to sample our favorite flavors (cranberry lime and mandarin orange for me) and to explore newer flavors – you have to try orange-vanilla!! Check out the Polar Seltzer story and learn about “surprise” flavors here (hint: Mermaid Songs and Unicorn Kisses).

But Polar Seltzer provided CCSC with much more than tasty, wholesome beverages!

The Hobie Wave fleet is one of the most used and most versatile of the sailboats available there. The constant use definitely causes plenty of wear and tear on the sails. In support of CCSC and all they do (LEARN MORE HERE), Polar Seltzer has donated new sails for the entire Hobie Wave fleet. CCSC sailors are eagerly awaiting the arrival of that generous gift.

The majority of the sailors in the regatta today were adults, with many in their 60’s and above. What struck me was the hustle and bustle of a much younger group fully immersed in their Optimist Pram (IODA) lessons, skill building and technique development out on the water with no thought of the cold or the rain.

These two young sailors usually sail in their Optimist Prams but made the choice to sail in the Hobie Wave Regatta today.

They really caught my attention. From the skippers meeting at 9 am until the completion of after race reviews at 5 PM they were fully engaged. There they are right at the very front of the group hanging on to every word at the skippers meeting. And they were just as committed to the experience at the end of the day.

And that’s one big benefit of class racing. We are all in the same boat and age doesn’t make as much impact as it might in almost any other sport. If you love wind, water and a great community resource be sure to visit CCSC when you are in the St. Petersburg/Clearwater area.

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