A Musing for 2018

In 2000, I was ambling about in my second year of college and I was largely undecided what I was going to do next in life. I have since heard many people do not find their life calling; rather, it finds them. I look fondly back upon those years where I learned to kayak, teach, and lead. They are still, to this day, the most formative years of my life and what has largely guided the vision of H2o Dreams.

Here I am writing this nearly two decades later, deep in the short life of H2o Dreams the business. Although it has only been a short time on paper, the ambition started well before this when I made the decision to follow kayaking as a career as opposed to a conventional path.

Our mission was forged from my previous experiences and my great love of unconventional education. We still use a classroom at times but more often we use our natural spaces as our venue to teach some of Life’s truest lessons. There is nothing greater when watching personal growth pitted against a natural element that holds no emotion, no responsibility, and no reverence to us. Our fears, anger, indifference, and elation are all irrelevant in the grand scheme of our endeavor. It’s this knowledge of not holding dominion over something that allows a venue to teach us the most worthwhile lessons about ourselves. Our classroom only holds up a mirror to show a reflection of us.

These sports we wish to share with you require persistence, maintenance, and resolve. And your progress and regression ebb and flow, not unlike the bodies of water we visit. The imperfect can find balance with the perfect over time and, ultimately, we can learn to have some grace with ourselves to tap into a flow that can be hard to find in an age of instant gratification. We are here to help you find that path for yourself as many great folks helped me find mine, once upon a time.

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