Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Weather Suits the Day

Monday was a working holiday for many, including myself.  The holiday traditionally named for Christopher Columbus has long celebrated the explorer's 1492 landing in the New World. However, as the historical picture of Columbus becomes clearer many folks have come to the conclusion that Columbus was not an admirable character, even considering the time period in which he lived.  Thus the holiday is now being referred to by many as "Indigenous Peoples Day".  I agree with this being a better choice.

At any rate, when my abbreviated workday concluded, I found myself near the Assabet River and the Chapin Road boat launch in Hudson, MA.  The small slough that I've launched into on previous visits was lacking the key ingredient...
...water.  After dragging my boat a bit (glad I had my mud boots), I was soon paddling upriver.

The weather was showery and tropical for these parts in October.  Heavier rain was predicted for later in the afternoon.

As I approached where the Assabet passes under Route 495 I noticed a virtual parade of vehicles towing campers in a southbound direction.  This served as a reminder that most of the campgrounds up north have now closed for the season.

After passing under the highway I came upon this musk or stinkpot turtle...
...he was in about 6 inches of water and steadfastly facing into the current almost as if waiting for something.  His carapace was covered with algae.  I learned online that these turtles can live as long as 50 years so I suspect this guy could probably tell me a thing or two about his days in the Assabet.

A little less than 2 miles upriver from Chapin Street beavers had modified the river to their liking...
...and the dam became my turnaround point.

The return trip provided a few glimpses of fall foliage...

Once back at Chapin Street I couldn't resist paddling a little further to the foot bridge...

The mood of the day was mellow...
...and the rain was "soft"...

Some trash gathered up along the way...


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